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Posts Tagged ‘Back Pain OFallon IL’

Welcome to BackFit Health + Spine's Back Pain OFallon IL Archive. Here you can learn more about BackFit Health + Spine, Physical Medicine, and Dr. Gaby Sabatino, today's choice for Chiropractors in O'Fallon, IL. Read Dr. Gaby Sabatino's Physical Medicine Back Pain OFallon IL for the health of it.

We look forward to serving you! Call - 618-622-3322.

The Power of Words in OFallon

Language OFallon IL Health Affects

Recently walking through a supermarket, I overheard a middle-aged man say “My son gave me this stupid cold and I feel horrible” as he rubbed his eyes and sniffled through his words. Unfortunately a totally common occurrence! When we are “sick”, we naturally want to complain and list all our symptoms.  As a loving doctor and ...


Great Pain Relief As Nature Intended

Natural Healthcare OFallon IL Pain Relief

Are you suffering with pain for so long that your constant search has led you no closer to the real problem? The first thing you do know is that the pain is real and you also find that... It can be intermittent or constant It can be sharp, dull, in one spot or over a broader area It can ...


Keep Your Knees Kicking Strong

Knee Pain OFallon IL Prevention

Let's live healthier and more active longer.  That alone has become the motto of our generations who may have reached our embracing years of our thirties and older.  Our ability to want to play full out is fabulous as long as we maintain and take care our health and our bodies along the way.  One ...


The Crack in Chiropractic

Adjustment OFallon IL Cracking

In my office I quite frequently hear that one of the scariest parts of going to a Chiropractic office is "well the fear that my head my be torn from my body but more importantly the sounds that sharply snap, crackle, and pop".  As I explain more about what that sound is to my patients, ...


Alert! Back Pain!

Sciatica OFallon IL Back Pain

Warning! Tremendous Pain Ahead! Lights and Bells are sounds we are conditioned to respond to quickly when there is a crisis.  Our body's warning system, pain, is unfortunately the most often ignored alarm.  Pain of any kind is a warning signal from your body that something is wrong. People often prefer to silence their warning system with ...


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