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Posts Tagged ‘OFallon IL chiropractic’

Welcome to BackFit Health + Spine's OFallon IL chiropractic Archive. Here you can learn more about BackFit Health + Spine, Physical Medicine, and Dr. Gaby Sabatino, today's choice for Chiropractors in O'Fallon, IL. Read Dr. Gaby Sabatino's Physical Medicine OFallon IL chiropractic for the health of it.

We look forward to serving you! Call - 618-622-3322.

The Limits of Tylenol For Back Pain Relief

Back Pain OFallon IL Tylenol

A new report released on Tuesday, March 31st, 2015 is establishing that Acetaminophen- best known under the brand label of Tylenol- does not appear to help ease lower back pain and offers little relief for the most common form of arthritis.  This review of data from thirteen studies could challenge existing recommendations on pain relief. Acetaminophen Simple ...


Not Just for Wrinkles – Botox® Injections

Botox Injections OFallon IL Muscle Spasm

"It is better to look marvelous than feel marvelous." This wonderful cliche made famous in the 80's is no longer the case when it comes down to addressing our personal well-being.  Many advances since then have allowed  the Botox® injection which was typically used  for cosmetic enhancement as a possible pain solution. This of course is dependent ...


Welcome to Arch Madness!

Foot Pain OFallon IL Orthotics

Shoes glorious shoes!  Most women and a great deal of men love their shoes.  They are designed to be worn for about eight months or 500 miles but like most of us it really depends on what we do in those 500 miles.  Just as a great car we want them to look good but ...


Stressed Out? Let Chiropractic Help!

Neck Pain OFallon IL Stress

In our faced pace life, the majority of us have been ignoring and pushing off our internal maintenance to fill it temporarily with a short term outside solution of caffeine and denial.  Add stress and the temporary fixes no longer cover the symptoms or warning signals that your body is screaming for you to address ...


Chiropractic and Healthy Joints!

Joint Health OFallon IL

One of the key tenets of chiropractic is that health is our natural state. If someone is not healthy which is often signaled by pain or disease, we look for what could be interfering with this natural state by looking for the underlying cause. With that in mind chiropractic care is primarily designed to improve the ...


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